Featured Media
tedX | ROBOTS IN THE CLASSROOM | Scott Heister & Diana Bernal
This unique two-person talk explores the story of an educator who founded a middle college high school, based on the principles of F.I.R.S.T. Robotics… View video here.
US NEWS | FIRST Robotics Championship Makes Strides in Diversity
The Harlem Robotics Coalition is a network of school and community center-based programs within Harlem's Community School District 5. African-American and Hispanic students constitute more than 95 ... view more.
FIRST | A New Type of School Teaches Skills for the Future
Ypsilanti STEMM Middle College, an innovative, dual-enrollment high school created in 2014 based on FIRST ethos, together with Grizzly Robotics, its robust after-school FIRST program, is enabling students to succeed and seeing dramatic improvements to attendance, graduation, and suspension rates, as ... view more.